NEA. Useful Idiots, or Just Plain Idiots?


Dear Readers surely will not believe the latest set of resolutions from the National Education Association, whose positions on many “issues” can be found right here.


Professor Plum has read (and written!) a lot of swill in his time, but never (NEVER) has he (i.e., Professor Plum) come across a more loathsome pile of arrogant trash. Well, THIS is a serious competitor for “Most Loathsome Pile” award.


We found it here, by way of John Stone.


[I added boldface and comments in brackets.]

Passed at the 2005 Convention in Los Angeles A-2. Educational Opportunity for All.


The Association believes that all schools must be accredited under uniform standards established by the appropriate agencies in collaboration with the Association and its affiliates.
[How do YOU spell arrogant? The NEA will accredit schools! Gee, and aren’t schools where the NEA’s MEMBERS work? You think the NEA will try to force schools to be organized a certain way? What exactly are the NEA’s qualifications for certifying ANYthing? Where is there any evidence that NEA resolutions are based on scientific research; that the NEA cares one bit about the future of children or the nation? The clearest evidence about the NEA points to nothing more than persistent progressive ideology, self-serving motives, and support for every pedagogic insurgence (e.g., multi-culturalism) that seeks to weaken American social institutions and core values.]


A-11. Use of Closed Public School Buildings. The Association believes that closed public school buildings should be sold or leased only to those organizations that do not provide direct educational services to students and/or are not in direct competition with public schools.
[In other words, make sure that cheap buildings are not available for charter schools and private schools. Could their black hearts be MORE evident!]


A-14. Financial Support of Public Education. The Association believes that:


• Funds must be provided for programs to alleviate race, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination and to eliminate portrayal of race, gender, sexual orientation and gender identification stereotypes in the public schools.
[Notice the assumptions. (1) There IS discrimination against these groups in schools that is so frequent and so widespread that it can’t be handled by principals and teachers simply laying down the law—the same way they lay down the law (or could do so) about bullying. (2) Programs can alleviate the alleged discrimination. (3) Programs need more funds. Are ANY of these assumptions reasonable? If there WERE such widespread and frequent discrimination, it is rooted in families and communities. No “program” in school is going to do anything about that. “Okay kids, let’s all sing Cumbaya and give each other a big hug, regardless of race, creed, and what you want to do with your private parts.” I wonder who will benefit from all those additional funds? The groups who run the programs?]


• Full-day, every day kindergarten programs should be fully funded.


A-15. Federal Financial Support of Public Education. The Association believes that funding for federal programs should be substantially increased, not merely redistributed among states. The Association opposes any federal legislation, laws, or regulations that provide funds, goods, or services to sectarian schools.


A-24. Voucher Plans and Tuition Tax Credits. The National Education Association believes that voucher plans, tuition tax credits, or other funding arrangements that use tax monies to subsidize pre-K through 12 private school education can undermine public education; reduce the support needed to fund public education adequately; cause racial, economic, and social segregation of students; and threaten the constitutional separation of church and state. The Association opposes voucher plans, tuition tax credits, or other such funding arrangements that pay for students to attend sectarian schools. [How does competition UNDERMINE public education? Well, if it is BETTER, I guess so. Segregation? If families CHOOSE to have their kids go to schools with other kids of the same “race” or ethnic group, that is THEIR business. The cultural cohesiveness of such schools PLUS sound curricula would without doubt be a superb educational environment. But the NEA is so ignorant of basic sociology, and so interested ONLY in itself, that it continues to support the bad and obstruct the good.]


A-31. Federally or State-Mandated Choice/Parental Option Plans. The Association believes that federally or state mandated parental option or choice plans compromise free, equitable, universal, and quality public education for every student. Therefore, the Association opposes such federally or state-mandated choice or parental option plans.
[Let’s see if I get this. The Public pays for public schools, which just happens to include salaries. But the NEA wants to prevent the PUBLIC from making educational choices for its childen. So, apparently, those who pay have no say. Notice the line “…plans compromise free, equitable, universal, and quality public education for every student…” In fact, PREVENTING choice compromises a free, equitable, universal, and quality education,” because it forces children to go to schools that are mediocre at best, and in which the most advantaged go to the best schools near where they live. The NEA reveals the lying (or merely stupid) authoritarian face beneath the Rogerian mask.]


B-1. Early Childhood Education. The National Education Association supports early childhood education programs in the public schools for children from birth through age eight. The Association also supports a high-quality program of transition from home and/or preschool to the public kindergarten or first grade. This transition should include communication and cooperation among parents/guardians, the preschool staff, and the public school staff. The Association also believes that early childhood education programs should include a full continuum of services for parents/guardians and children, including child care, child development, developmentally appropriate and diversity-based curricula, special education, and appropriate bias-free screening devices. The Association believes that federal legislation should be enacted to assist in organizing the implementation of fully funded early childhood education programs offered through the public schools. These programs must be available to all children on an equal basis and should include mandatory kindergarten with compulsory attendance.
[I like the words mandatory and compulsory. Scratch a left-winger, find an authoritarian. “We know what is good for ALL of you!”]


B-7. Class Size. The National Education Association believes that excellence in the classroom can best be attained by small class size. The Association also believes in an optimum class size of fifteen students in regular programs and a proportionately lower number in programs for students with exceptional needs. [Of course, there are no data supporting the presumption that small class size has beneficial effects. Crappy instruction in a small group is still crappy instruction, Just more intensely crappy. Could it be that the NEA merely wants jobs for more teachers = members?]


B-8. Diversity. The National Education Association believes that similarities and differences among races, ethnicity, color, national origin, language, geographic location, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, physical ability, size, occupation, and marital, parental, or economic status form the fabric of a society.
[This is such a stupid proposition it makes one wonder if the writers can tie their shoes. How are these similarities and differences the FABRIC of society? What IS a fabric of society? The statement is nothing more than an asinine rhetorical device that makes the NEA’s prescription (diversity programs) seem essential. Oh, yeah, all those similarities and differences about sexuality are part of the fabric of society! Only for persons and groups that spend their lives focusing on their organs of procreation.]


The Association also believes that education should foster the values of appreciation and acceptance of the various qualities that pertain to people as individuals and as members of diverse populations.
[This is the second time the resolutions address diversity. I wonder what the total diversity-invocations will be. What exactly ARE the qualities that pertain to people in diverse populations? Do we want differences between black and white persons to BE anything more than skin pigmentation? Are there any LIMITS to what we are obliged to appreciate and accept? Oppression of women? “Well, I appreciate that that is their way. I’m an open-minded guy, so I accept it.” Is something to be gained by sustaining these alleged differences? Is diversity some kind of business, some kind of livelihood for anyone?]


The Association further believes in the importance of observances, programs and curricula that accurately portray and recognize the roles, contributions, cultures, and history of these diverse groups and individuals.
[In other words, portray and recognize everything. Well after you get done portraying and recognizing what they eat—”TACO DAY!” “RICE DAY!” “BROILED MONKEY WEEK!”—and religious practices—”SLAUGHTER A BULL DAY!!” “WHIP YOURSELF HALF TO DEATH MONTH!!”–what is LEFT in a culture. Take a good look at most cultures when you get down below the mundane stuff like eating. Pretty disgusting. Let’s all celebrate female infanticide! Beating women. Hatred of everything that is not “Us.” Yes, indeed, we should recognize and portray features of other cultures. But NOT indiscriminately appreciate and accept what they do. Rather, we should teach our children—and we should ourselves recognize and condemn–what is vile, disgusting, barbaric, and savage. In this regard, we should celebrate our DIFFERENCES!]


B-9. Racial Diversity Within Student Populations. The Association believes that to achieve or maintain racial diversity, it may be necessary for elementary/secondary schools, colleges, and universities to take race into account in making decisions as to student admissions, assignments, and/or transfers.
[Here we go again with the diversity rag!]


B-10. Racism, Sexism, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification Discrimination. [And yet again.] Discrimination and stereotyping based on such factors as race, gender, immigration status, disability, ethnicity, occupation, sexual orientation and gender identification must be eliminated. Plans, activities, and programs must -


• Increase respect, understanding, acceptance, and sensitivity toward individuals and groups in a diverse society composed of such groups as American Indians/Alaska natives, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered persons, and people with disabilities
[Notice that sex gets four items. Does it deserve THAT much respect? How come MEN are not included as a group that deserves some understanding, acceptance, and sensitivity? Why would men be inclined to show other groups respect, understanding, acceptance, and sensitivity if men are not seen as deserving the same thing? Oh, I think I get it. Since the NEA sees women as one of the privileged groups that is to be respected, understood and accepted, I guess I have to conclude that MEN are the ones who are the enemy here. The phrase “Screw you, Jack” seems appropriate, but then, as a guy, I show no respect. Where is the big discrimination against Asians and Pacific Islanders? “You from Guam? I hate you.”]


• Eliminate discrimination and stereotyping in curricula, textbooks, resource and instructional materials, activities, etc.
[I guess that means that education will have to stop demeaning men, boys, and Americans. But that’s probably not what they mean.]


• Foster the dissemination and use of nondiscriminatory and nonstereotypical language, resources, practices, and activities

• Integrate an accurate portrayal of the roles and contributions of all groups throughout history across curricula, particularly groups who have been under-represented historically
[Oh, shut up already!]


• Eliminate subtle practices that favor the education of one student over another on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation or gender identification


• Encourage all members of the educational community to examine assumptions and prejudices, including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, and homophobia, that might limit the opportunities and growth of students and education employees
[Is a real bigot LIKELY to do this? “Hey, ya know. I’m a real racist bastard. I hate everyone but my kind. I’m gonna change that right now.” Is the NEA doing anything other than gassing?]


• Offer positive and diverse role models in our society including the recruitment, hiring, and promotion of diverse education employees in our public schools


• Coordinate with organizations and concerned agencies that promote the contributions, heritage, culture, history, and special health and care needs of diverse population groups
[Now the NEA is into health care. They do such a good job with education.]


The Association encourages its affiliates to develop and implement training programs on these matters.


B-19. Education of Refugee and Undocumented Children and Children of Undocumented Immigrants. The National Education Association believes that, regardless of the immigration status of students or their parents, every student has the right to a free public education. The Association further believes that students who have resided in the United States for at least five years at the time of high school graduation should be granted amnesty by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, granted legal residency status, and allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship.
[Now the NEA is going to set policy regarding borders and public expenditures on illegal aliens. Is there no limit to the arrogance?]


B-24. Educational Programs for English Language Learners. The Association believes that ELL students should be placed in bilingual education programs to receive instruction in their native language from qualified teachers until such time as English proficiency is achieved. [I guess the idea here is to ensure that ELL students remain ignorant of English as long as possible. That way, we can sustain the diversity that the NEA prates eldlessly about.]


B-33. Multicultural Education. [AGAIN!] The National Education Association believes that multiculturalism is the process of valuing differences [All differences? Isn’t lack of discrimination in judgment a sign of stupidity? Doesn’t it lead to acceptance of evil?] and incorporating the values identified into behavior for the goal of achieving the common good.
[Sometimes people have mush in their mouths. These imbeciles have mush in their heads. That sentence means absolutely nothing. “incorporating the values identified into behavior”? And who defines the common good? The NEA. Now all of a sudden these morons are political philosophers.]

Multi-cultural education should promote the recognition of individual and group differences and similarities in order to reduce racism, homophobia, ethnic and all other forms of prejudice, and discrimination and to develop self-esteem as well as respect for others.
[Oh, L-rd, smite them in their iniquity. Send a plague upon their house. Bring down their idols. Destroy their weapons. Turn their land into ashes.]


B-34. Global Education. The National Education Association believes that global education imparts an appreciation of our interdependency in sharing the world’s resources to meet mutual human needs. [
Now the NEA is going to preach about the international scene. They have shown such competence at the level of classrooms!]


B-36. School-to-Work/Career Education. Career education must be interwoven into the total educational system and should include programs in gender-free career awareness and exploration to aid students in career course selection. [How on earth did they manage to incorporate sex in this school-to-work biz? And where did they first begin to think that they are in a position to say how the lives of citizens are to be laid out?]


B-41. Family Life Education. The Association believes that programs should be established for both students and parents/guardians and supported at all educational levels to promote -


• The development of self-esteem


• An understanding of societal issues and problems related to children, spouses, parents/guardians, domestic partners, older generation family members, and other family members. [So, now schools are supposed to tinker with families. They do such a good job on reading.]


The Association also believes that education in these areas must be presented as part of an anti-biased, culturally-sensitive program. [It must be a compulsion! They just cannot shut up on this. Like Cindy Sheehan.]


B-42. Sex Education. [Back to sex! What explains this obsession with sex? Do you want these sex maniacs making educational policy?] The Association recognizes that the public school must assume an increasingly important role in providing the instruction.
[Recognizes? As if it were as an established fact that schools must assume an increasingly important role? What fact? I guess these guys read The Kinsey Report and took it seriously.]


Teachers and health professionals must be qualified to teach in this area and must be legally protected from censorship and lawsuits. [Yeah, like if parents get upset when a teacher shows how to put a condom on a banana. Or discusses anal sex. After all, we are respecting, understanding, and accepting diversity. In which case, forget the courts.] The Association also believes that to facilitate the realization of human potential, it is the right of every individual to live in an environment of freely available information and knowledge about sexuality and encourages affiliates and members to support appropriately established sex education programs. [Sex is now part of human potential? Is there some kind of sexual activity that we don’t know about that the schools must tell kids about that will enable kids to realize their human potential? Do families NOT know enough about sex that the school has to make up the differerence?] Such programs should include information on sexual abstinence, birth control and family planning, diversity of culture, diversity of sexual orientation and gender identification, parenting skills, prenatal care, sexually transmitted diseases, incest, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, homophobia.


B-43. HIV/AIDS Education. The National Education Association believes that educational institutions should establish comprehensive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) education programs as an integral part of the school curriculum. [Yeah, I guess if schools are going to be teaching kids about all sorts of diverse sex practices—that just MIGHT give them AIDS—schools ought to talk a little about protection. Seems only fair. I don’t know about Dear Readers, but I am well past the “let’s talk” stage. I’m ready to pick up a baseball bat.]


B-45. Environmental Education. The Association supports educational programs that promote -
• An awareness of the effects of past, present, and future population growth patterns on world civilization, human survival, and the environment

• Solutions to such problems as pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, and acid precipitation and deposition

• The recognition of and participation in such activities as Earth Day [Now the NEA knows all about the environment, too, and promotes all sorts of activities based on fantasies. There is LESS pollution now. Global warming does not exist. Maybe the NEA was too busy realizing its human potential via diverse sexual activities to notice.]


B-51. Education on Peace and International Understanding. [The Jimmy Carter motif.] The National Education Association believes that educational strategies for teaching peace and justice issues should include the role of individuals, social movements, international and nongovernmental organizations. [Educational strategies should include individuals, social movements, and international organiztions??? What else BUT these? Chickens and sheep?]

The Association also believes that educational materials should include activities dealing with the effects of nuclear weaponry and other weapons of mass destruction, strategies for disarmament, and methods to achieve peace. [I bet killing terrorists and leveling terrorist supporting states is not included in the list of peace-achieving methods. “Okay, boys and girls. I am now going to detonate an atomic bomb. Cover your ears!”]

Such materials should also cover major contributing factors to conflict, such as economic disparity, demographic variables, unequal political power and resource distribution, and the indebtedness of the developing world.
[The same tired litany of nonsense that locates the causes of war in what the U.S.does. What bastards we are. Lend trillions to countries around the world, and expect a little pay back within 30 years. Naturally, this sets them off. How about religion? How about totalitarianism? How about military dictatorships as POSSIBLE causes of war?  These are protected as part of our celebrations of diversity and the injunction against negative judgments about any culture except our own.]


B-56. Conflict Resolution Education. The National Education Association supports the adoption and use, at all educational levels, of proven conflict-resolution strategies, materials, and activities by school districts, education employees, students, parents/guardians, and the school community to encourage nonviolent resolution of interpersonal and societal conflicts.
[Now which PROVEN strategies are those? Even Plato couldn’t figure out how to do it, but the big brains at the NEA got the answer! Jimmy Carter told ‘em.]


B-59. Standardized Testing of Students. The National Education Association believes that standardized tests should be used only to improve the quality of education and instruction for students. The Association opposes the use of standardized tests when -

• Used as the criterion for the reduction or withholding of any educational funding

• Results are used to compare students, teachers, programs, schools, communities, and states.

[In other words, DON’T use standardized tests when it comes to accountability. Egregious. Evil. Sickening. ]

• Students with special needs of Limited English Proficiency are required to take the same tests as regular education students without modifications and/or accommodations.


B-70. Home Schooling. The National Education Association believes that home schooling programs cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education experience. When home schooling occurs, students enrolled must meet all state requirements. Instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency, and a curriculum approved by the state department of education should be used. The Association also believes that home-schooled students should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the public schools.
[Since when do public schools provide a comprehensive education “experience”? (Well, maybe if you include all that diverse sex.) Besides, how would the NEA know? Could this be special interest talking?]


C-15. Extremist Groups. The National Education Association condemns the philosophy and practices of extremist groups and urges active opposition to all such movements that are inimical to the ideals of the Association. [I haven’t seen the NEA condemn NARAL yet.]


C-23. Comprehensive School Health, Social and Psychological Programs and Services. The National Education Association believes that every child should have direct and confidential access to comprehensive health, social, and psychological programs and services. The Association believes that programs in the schools should provide -
[Let’s turn schools into mental health centers, too!]


• A planned sequential, pre-K through 12 health education curriculum that integrates various health topics (such as drug abuse, the dangers of performance enhancing dietary herbal supplements, violence, safety issues, universal precautions, and HIV education).


The Association believes that services in the schools should include -

• Counseling programs that provide developmental guidance and broad-based interventions and referrals


• Comprehensive school-based, community-funded student health care clinics that provide basic health care services (which may include diagnosis and treatment)

• If deemed appropriate by local choice, family-planning counseling and access to birth control methods with instruction in their use.


C-24. School Guidance and Counseling Programs. The National Education Association believes that guidance and counseling programs should be integrated into the entire education system, pre-K through higher education. [”Okay, boys and girls, it’s time for Kindertherapy!!”]


C-27. Student Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification. [More sex! This is a disease already. Maybe they need a 12 step program.] The National Education Association believes that all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification, should be afforded equal opportunity and guaranteed a safe and inclusive environment within the public education system. [And they aren’t? Hey, I got an idea. Maybe if you quit making such an issue out of “The Groin” no one would much CARE.] The Association also believes that, for students who are struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identification, every school district and educational institution should provide counseling services and programs that deal with high suicide and dropout rates and the high incidence of teen prostitution. [Schools should do this? It’s an educational issue?]


C-28. Suicide Prevention Programs. The National Education Association believes that suicide prevention programs including prevention, intervention, and postvention must be developed and implemented. The Association urges its affiliates to ensure that these programs are an integral part of the school program.
[Now we have to have crisis wards in schools. “And over here we have our suicidal students. We’ll be giving them electro-therapy in a few minutes.”]


D-8. Hiring Policies and Practices for Teaching Positions. The National Education Association believes that hiring policies and practices must be nondiscriminatory and include provisions for the recruitment of a diverse teaching staff. [Like discrimination isn’t already against the LAW? ]


D-21. Competency Testing of Licensed Teachers. The National Education Association believes that competency testing must not be used as a condition of employment, license retention, evaluation, placement, ranking, or promotion of licensed teachers.
[Let’s see. If NOT competency testing, then what WILL be the basis? Does it get any clearer?]


E-3. Selection and Challenges of Materials and Teaching Techniques. The Association deplores prepublishing censorship, book-burning crusades, and attempts to ban books from school libraries/media centers and school curricula.
[What rot? But it’s okay to infect textbooks with marxian and America-basing twaddle.]


E-10. Academic and Professional Freedom. Academic freedom includes the rights of teachers and learners to explore and discuss divergent points of view. A teacher shall not be fired, transferred, or removed from his or her position for refusing to suppress the free expression rights of students.
[But only as long as students are expressing the RIGHT freedom of expression points of view.]


F-1. Nondiscriminatory Personnel Policies/Affirmative Action. The National Education Association believes that personnel policies and practices must guarantee that no person be employed, retained, paid, dismissed, suspended, demoted, transferred, retired or harassed because of race, color, national origin, cultural diversity, accent, religious beliefs, residence, physical disability, political activities, professional association activity, age, size, marital status, family relationship, gender, sexual orientation or gender identification. [”You’re a member of NAMBLA? No problem. We respect all sexual orientations.”] Affirmative action plans and procedures that encourage active recruitment and employment of ethnic minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and men in under-represented education categories should be developed and implemented.


F-2. Pay Equity/Comparable Worth. The Association supports all efforts to attain accurate and unbiased forms of job evaluation and to raise the pay of those jobs that are presently undervalued. The “market value” means of establishing pay cannot be the final determinant of pay scales since it too frequently reflects the race and sex bias in our society.
[Blah Blah Blah with a side order of Blah.]


F-45. Medication and Medical Services in the Schools. The Association believes that education employees who are not licensed medical personnel should be protected from all liability if they are required to administer medication or perform medical services. [”Oh, sorry, wrong pill.”]


H-1. The Education Employee as a Citizen. The Association urges its members to become politically involved and to support the political action committees of the Association and its affiliates.
[How do YOU spell cell.]


H-7. National Health Care Policy. The National Education Association believes that affordable, comprehensive health care, including prescription drug coverage, is the right of every resident. The Association supports the adoption of a single-payer health care plan for all residents of the United States, its territories, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


H-11. Statehood for the District of Columbia. The Association supports efforts to achieve statehood for the District of Columbia.


I-1. Peace and International Relations. The Association urges all nations to develop treaties and disarmament agreements that reduce the possibility of war. [Cumbaya! “Now, let’s sit down and discuss this. Is hitting nice? Noooo. We all want to be nice. So, let’s use our WORDS and not hit. Okay? Good.] The Association also believes that such treaties and agreements should prevent the placement of weapons in outer space. The Association believes that the United Nations (UN) furthers world peace and promotes the rights of all people by preventing war, racism, and genocide. [Haaaa! The UN is INVOLVED in genocide. But maybe the NEA was too busy with diverse sexual activities to notice.] The Association supports the U.S. Institute of Peace, which provides publications, information, programs, training, and research data in developing peacemaking and conflict resolution skills.


I-2. International Court of Justice. The Association urges participation by the United States in deliberations before the court.
[Is there NO limit! Now the U.S. should bow to the superior wisdom and moral rectitude of the French and the Belgians, who, without our nation’s sacrifices would be speaking German.]


I-9. Human Rights. The National Education Association believes that the governments of all nations must respect and protect the basic human and civil rights of every individual, including equal access to education as embodied in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


I-12. Family Planning. The National Education Association supports family planning, including the right to reproductive freedom. The Association also urges the implementation of community-operated, school-based family planning clinics that will provide intensive counseling by trained personnel. [Gee I wonder what their stand is on late-term abortion. Could they be pushing an agenda? Ya think?]


I-17. Immigration. The Association opposes any immigration policy that denies human and/or civil rights or educational opportunities to immigrants and their children regardless of their immigration status. [Kind of a loose use of the term immigrant.]


I-27. Freedom of Religion. The Association opposes any federal legislation or mandate that would require school districts to schedule a moment of silence. [Yeah, watch out for those moments of silence. You might make kids think there is something bigger than they are that defines right and wrong. We wouldn’t want that. We want the NEA to define what’s right and wrong.]


I-28. Gun-free Schools and the Regulation of Deadly Weapons. The Association believes that strict prescriptive regulations are necessary for the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale and resale of handguns and ammunition magazines.


[Handguns and magazines? What about shotguns? What about belt-fed machine guns? Now the NEA is into gun control. I guess they were too occupied with diverse sexual activity to read the Second Amendment.]


A mandatory background check and a mandatory waiting period should occur prior to the sale of all firearms.


I-40. Eliminationation of Discrimination. The National Education Association is committed to the elimination of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, economic status, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, and all other forms of discrimination. [Back to discimination. What is this, about the 50th time? How do you eliminate discrimination? Eliminate! Sounds moderately totalitarian to me.] The Association encourages its members and all other members of the educational community to engage in courageous conversations in order to examine assumptions, prejudices, discriminatory practices, and their effects.
[Courageous conversations. I bet THAT phrase was so stirring when it was first uttered, that the NEA members temporarily stopped their diverse sexual activities long enough to say, “Oooo, that turns me on!” Of course, only courageous conversations that are politically correct are welcome.]


I-44. Hate-Motivated Violence. The Association believes that federal, state, and local governments and community groups must oppose and eliminate hate-motivated violence.
[Eliminate again! They are soooo stupid. They are going to change the human heart. What exactly do they suppose human beings are? Do they suppose we have no nature? Are we nothing but what society makes us? How remarkable, then, that we are much the same across societies and time. Good, bad. Kind, evil. Spiritual, dirt-bound. Is the effort to sustain diversity and not to recognize our immutable species humanness really designed to sustain the left wing effort to remake man in their image? Nnnoooo.]


I-48. Linguistic Diversity. The Association believes that efforts to legislate English as the official language disregard cultural pluralism; deprive those in need of education, social services, and employment; and must be challenged. [I guess the NEA has never noticed what happens to diverse societies.]


I-51. Equal Opportunity for Women. The Association supports an amendment to the U.S. Constitution (such as the Equal Rights Amendment). The Association urges its affiliates to support ratification of such an
amendment. The Association endorses the use of nonsexist language. [Why don’t we make it illegal to say mankind? And fire anyone who does not say “he, she, it, person in transition, person who has no idea what he or she or it is”]


The above text is excerpted from NEA resolutions adopted at the 2005 NEA Convention. Much language has been omitted, but no words have been changed.



Say, did you notice that there was not ONE resolution that said anything about effective instruction, tested curricula, sustaining core American values and institutions, teacher competence, or student achievement? Surely they MEANT to put in stuff about education. After all it IS the National EDUCATION Association. Maybe they were too busy with sexually diverse activities.


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