

This page links Dear Readers to right-thinking, intelligent, morally responsible persons and organizations.

1.  Friends and Foes.   Here's a list (with links) of combatants in the education wars:  the education establishment (of brainless gurus, psycho-pedagogies, perfesser propagandists, and parasitic organizations)  vs. the anti-establishment, which seeks accountability, choice, curricula that support core social institutions and values, and instruction based on research.

2.  Siegfried Engelmann.  Senior developer of Direct Instruction programs, logician, and relentless foe of edufraud.

3.  Rod Paige.   Former Secretary of Education and point man for No Child Left Behind---meaning the deaducation establishment shot at him first.

4.  Some Good Reading.  You're probably saying to yourself, "Say, how can I get out of scrubbing the bathroom floor?"  Easy.  Read the stuff here.  Or, just spray bleach all over.   Cheap.  Effective.  Toxic.

5.  Hard Rain.  Power point